26 September, 2010

Dances from the Silk Road II

A soloist performing as part of performance in Bukhara, Uzbekistan.

Dances from the Silk Road I

A folkloric dance troupe performing at Nadir Divanbegi Madraasa in Bukhara, Uzbekistan. Filmed on 23rd Sept. 2010.

08 September, 2010

Egyptian bellydancer Fifi Abdu: assaya

Heyatim: green/orange gelabeya

Heyatim's a popular Egyptian dancer/actress from the 1970s.  This clip shows her in a studio performance followed by a top example of 'effects gone mad' that has her on top of a Cairo roundabout, on the beach etc.

Mona al Said: blue galabeya

A conversion from an old video tape to mp4. Mona al Said in a blue galabeya. Unfortunately its not the whole performance, but with these old video tapes we had to take what we could get :-)

Dina: the safety pin dress

Egyptian bellydancer Dina in a dress that takes its inspiration from the Gianni Versace safety pin dress worn by Liz Hurley.

Dina: compilation

I found this compilation of snippets of Dina on the end of a video tape of Egyptian dancers from the 80s. Along the way someone's removed the live music and dubbed in 'Moghram Ya Leil' as the soundtrack.